#(ic) a mage's discovery
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wanderlustknightofmagic · 3 months ago
"Rain? I caught some fish and wanted to know if you wanted to cook with me. I know our last little bout was fun, but I think I can best you this time."
"Oooooh fish? Is it native from here or is it from another world? It's fine either way, but I would like to know if this is something you have a little more... familiarity with. After all, I encourage you trying to get an edge up on out-cooking me if you think it'll help," He'd smirk while he'd pull out his hairband to help push his hair back.
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intcritus · 1 month ago
“Ah, Penelope. I ought to have expected you would also be on the trail.” There is a shift of light as Sebastian adjusts his glasses, his torch jostled with the movement. The ruins are vast, endless crumbling, archaic structures that belong to a time long since passed, eroded until they are mere remnants of what they once were. In some ways, their forgotten nature is more beneficial, for it allows them to slip beneath the radar of opportunistic raiders looking for a pretty penny, and yet, it can occasionally bring more intimate clashes with those who know the true nature of that which lurks within.
“Did you bring with you more company, or are we to have some peace? I have already slipped a group of ignorant hopefuls looking for a quick penny a town over
” The distaste is clear in his tone, yet he does not let it show on his face. There will always be those who do not understand the magicks of this world, nor the weight that accompanies it. He admires there ignorance, now that he has born witness, he can never escape it.  
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Sometimes the magic calls to her, ancient and alluring. It seeps itself into the cracks and crevices of ruins, waiting to be discovered ïżœïżœïżœ it’s secrets and dangers like a siren song. An intricate work of loops and puzzles that unseasoned raiders and mages would never understand but she did. Excitement thrums through her veins, the thrill of discovering things without someone hovering over her shoulder. The ability to stand for hours on end, tracing ancient words and pictures, getting lost the deeper she went, but knowing she could find her way out if she so wished.
Violet eyes shift at the call of her name, finally realizing that she isn’t the only one in this space, and recognition has her humming in a light greeting. ❝ ━ The only time I would like company is if I deem it necessary. Extra baggage usually means I have to mother hen and I do that enough with my brother. ❞ Humans were incredibly fickle and greedy creatures and sure Penelope was greedy but for knowledge. This was a currency that she was well-versed in and would forever pursue. Money didn’t matter to her. ❝ ━ So that means it's just us then, good. You've a resilient mind, it's going to be needed in this place. ❞ The mage is careful with her steps, avoiding loose stones and she reaches out, guiding Sebastian away from a trap before he can step forward that's hidden. the magic there is so potent that she's sure it would've decimated someone unawares.
Lashes flutter shut, goosebumps erupting over her flesh as magic crawls through her. Oh, this particular venture would be exhilarating. They had much to discover but she keeps that to herself, never wanting to ruin that feeling for another who understood it. Fingertips brush along walls, moss greeting her fingers, vines itching to tug at her fingers and keep her there but she keeps going, following the faint smell of chaos that awaits, unable to resist its call. ❝ ━ I hope you're ready. We'll be discovering something...thrilling this evening. It awaits us... ❞ Ominous are her echoed words, but the grin that alights her features cannot be contained.
hope he's ready for some chaos. | @resolutepath
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wanderlustknightofmagic · 7 days ago
"Agreed, the faster I fully recover, the faster we can better prepare for another encounter with my counter-part. With any luck, he'll not show himself again until we have some measures prepared for him... or at the very least a nice bargaining chip that will assure he'll be a little slower to stab either of us. I don't know what his weapon was made of, but I don't wish to feel that steel again," He'd sigh before taking the cup from Noelle and taking a sip before relaxing into the couch.
"Let's start setting the groundwork for our own possible counter-attack. The sooner we visit Miss Caitlyn and your sisters, the sooner we can start with some experiments. I'm not going to practice with Berserk Magic anytime soon, but I do wish to see how this petricite affects me. That might actually be something that impacts a lot actually. I was unaware that a place on this planet actually produces a product such as that..." He'd frown while he thinks about the reasons behind making such.
Rainald would approach Noelle with a weak smile. "Hey... I need to thank you for what you did for me... and I'm sorry this took so long... and I'm truly sorry for worrying you so much." The knight was holding his left arm and rubbing it a bit while avoiding eye-contact. "If you have the time... I can explain what happened that day."
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Noelle looked deeply worried, although she'd gotten some sleep since he last saw her. Wicht was sitting on her shoulder, arms folded and looking a little cross.
"I'm just glad you're okay. You scared me half to death. I don't know the afterlife in your realm enough to be confident that I could bring you back if you crossed over..."
Wicht pokes Noelle's cheek. "Hey! Don't distract him. I wanna hear what happened."
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wanderlustknightofmagic · 2 months ago
If Sivir ever needed a reminder of how inexperienced her boyfriend is when it comes to matters of being a couple, this would be a good reminder. For some reason, despite their numerous nights, mornings, and private moments together, Rain still tried to cover himself after she pulled back the curtains and joined him. As he opened his mouth to question what she was doing, he stopped, and there was... a brief moment of clarity. They were in a desert, it made more sense for them to shower together than to do so apart.
Still, when he looked at her face, he suddenly questioned if this was more than just an innocent water-saving attempt. He found himself staring at her for a moment and his face was growing redder by the second as something else was reacting to her presence. Still, he didn't wish to pressure her into acting, so he'd turn around and clear his throat. "D-Decided to join me fo-for a morning shower dear?"
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wanderlustknightofmagic · 3 months ago
The knight would stretch a bit in their room, getting ready for bed when he turned to Valeria. "So what are the plans for-" He was suddenly stopped by his 'wife' kissing him right on the lips. He'd blink rapidly, a hand going up to his lips for a moment as he blushed. "V-Val! What... A-Are we practicing? Y-You could've given me a warning," He'd stutter while trying to shake off the slight flustering.
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wanderlustknightofmagic · 4 months ago
Casually Topless
Rainald had left the door to the room slightly ajar as he was changing. Since he, Sivir, and Lief were all going to spend the day together, he didn't need his armor and could wear some more casual clothes. With his back to the door, he thought he would even remove his top as well. It's when he removed it that the door opened, though he was still unaware. Sivir would be able to see that his back had quite a few scars, the most noticeable of the bunch was a large diagonal one.
When he had finally noticed Sivir, he turned around quickly and chuckled a bit. "O-Oh... Hey Sivir... Um... D-Didn't hear you come in," He'd pause for a moment before looking at her. "I'm guessing Lief's getting impatient right? I'll be done in a moment."
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 8 months ago
i just spent the last. several hours. fiddling with the classpects for Sburb Life because im a perfectionist
im still not 100% happy but i think this is a lot better
Grian - Session leader, Prospit dreamer, the Sylph of Dream in the Land of Bread and Sand. Client player Jimmy, server player Scar.
Scar - Prospit dreamer, the Thief of Heart in the Land of Rock and Cacti. Client player Grian, server player Mumbo.
Mumbo - Derse dreamer, the Seer of Flame in the Land of Sparks and Current. Client player Scar, server player Pearl.
Pearl - Derse dreamer, the Witch of Hate in the Land of Love and Snow. Client player Mumbo, server player Gem.
Gem - Prospit dreamer, the Aide of Space in the Land of Blooms and Frogs. Client player Pearl, server player Scott.
Scott - Derse dreamer, the Rogue of Time in the Land of Stars and Bridges. Client player Gem, server player Joel.
Joel - Derse dreamer, the Saint of Rage in the Land of Cliffs and Carnivals. Client player Scott, server player Etho.
Etho - Derse dreamer, the Mage of Truth in the Land of Wool and Secrets. Client player Joel, server player BDubs.
BDubs - Prospit dreamer, the Priest of Void in the Land of Keeps and Clocks. Client player Etho, server player Impulse.
Impulse - Prospit dreamer, the Guide of Hope in the Land of Coal and Bones. Client player BDubs, server player Tango.
Tango - Prospit dreamer, the Sage of Mind in the Land of Heat and Bulls. Client player Impulse, server player Skizz.
Skizz - Prospit dreamer, the Maid of Blood in the Land of Lakes and Cherries. Client player Tango, server player BigB.
BigB - Derse dreamer, the Heir of Ice in the Land of Fissures and Chocolate. Client player Skizz, server player Cleo.
Cleo - Derse dreamer, the Bard of Breath in the Land of Wind and Marble. Client player BigB, server player Lizzie.
Lizzie - Derse dreamer, the Knight of Life in the Land of Trees and Axolotls. Client player Cleo, server player Ren.
Ren - Prospit dreamer, the Prince of Peace in the Land of Shadow and Stillness. Client player Lizzie, server player Martyn.
Martyn - Derse dreamer, the Dame of Light in the Land of Eyes and Coral. Client player Ren, server player Jimmy.
Jimmy - Prospit dreamer, the Page of Doom in the Land of Clay and Dust. Client player Martyn, server player Grian.
also explanation of the custom classes and aspects under the cut
Truth - Truth is the aspect of discovery and revelation. The Truth-bound are difficult to fool, and keep their focus on what is in front of them. They act with practicality, and the aspect itself is tied to rational thought. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Dream. At their best they are rational and calm guides for their friends; at their worst they are uncaring and judgemental.
Dream - Dream is the aspect of lies and imagination. The Dream-bound live in worlds of their own, and their goals are not always obvious to those around them; the aspect itself deals in the nature of falsehoods. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Truth. At their best they brighten the room with their imaginative nature; at their worst they are frustratingly absorbed in their fantasies.
Peace - Peace is the aspect of calmness and protection. The Peace-bound are dedicated to maintaining the status quo, and preventing quarrels amongst their friends. The aspect itself deals with stagnation, love, and comfort. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Hate. At their best they are mediators and lovers who hold their allies together; at their worst they are resistant to change and even oppressive.
Hate - Hate is the aspect of emotion and strength. The Hate-bound hold grudges easily, and will tear down the things they see as being in their way. A Hero of Hate would rather die than allow something that hurts them to continue. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Peace. At their best they are firebrands and leaders, working against oppression; at their worst they are spiteful agitators unwilling to let things go for the greater good.
Flame - Flame is the aspect of change and discovery. The Flame-bound are seekers of the truth, though they are prone to flying too close to the sun and being hurt by that which they seek. They would rather burn the world down and build a new one than try to fix the one that exists. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Ice. At their best they are great artists and leaders, inspiring their allies to change that which they must; at their worst they destroy themselves and those around them with their quests for things beyond their reach.
Ice - Ice is the aspect of isolation and steadiness. The Ice-bound put up walls around themselves, pushing people away to protect themselves and cutting their emotions off. A Hero of Ice is likely to have few true friends, and none who they allow to see every facet of themselves, out of fear. Its counterpart in the fabric of Paradox Space is Flame. At their best they are reliable and steadfast, a source of stability for their allies; at their worst they are cold and unwilling to stand up for themselves, locking away their true thoughts.
Saint - Saint is an active class, and its passive counterpart is the Priest. A Saint lives their life by the rules of their aspect, using the structures it sets up to climb to the top of a world they see as ruled by its teaching. As the role of a Saint is highly tied to their aspect, their role in a session varies heavily - A Saint of Life or Space, for instance, will likely be a strong driving force behind the group's success, while a Saint of Doom or Ice may spell the end for the session by their very nature.
Priest - Priest is a passive class, and its active counterpart is the Saint. A Priest allows the rules of their aspect to spread out from them, allowing themself and their allies to use its nature to their advantage. A Priest's aspect will often come to typify much of the session as they spread its teachings amongst their fellow players.
Dame - Dame is an active class, and its passive counterpart is the Aide. The Dame defies the very nature of their aspect, and often bear little resemblance to the archetypal player of that aspect. Their journey through the session is often highly personal, a struggle directly between them and their aspect, though once they are at the end of their journey, they are a force to be reckoned with, having taken the aspects of it that benefit them and left the rest behind.
Aide - Aide is a passive class, and its active counterpart is the Dame. The Aide is a gateway for their aspect, letting its nature out through themselves to defy the enemies of the group. They are highly in tune with their aspects, though not always in a way that others will immediately recognize. An Aide's involvement in a session is often as an unlikely leader, giving the other players something to rally behind when they feel devoid of the Aide's aspect.
Sage - Sage is an active class, and its passive counterpart is the Guide. The Sage is a student of their aspect, seeking to understand everything about its nature; rather than having the information to understand their aspect, like a Seer, a Sage is restricted to seeking understanding through more traditional means. Sages often become the most knowledgeable within their sessions, throwing themselves into their personal quests and embracing the role of the tactician with gusto.
Guide - Guide is a passive class, and its active counterpart is the Sage. The Guide seeks their aspect in order to bring it to their allies; they will often be a confidant and a source of aid or comfort for their allies. A fully realized Guide released into Paradox Space will often come to act as a sort of tutor for another player of the same aspect. Within their sessions, Guides are a centerpoint for the group, assisting other players wherever and however needed.
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typingatlightspeed · 4 months ago
TF2 Fanfic - Dear Mama
The letters Heavy's written to his Mama since the start of 1970, giving her and his sisters some life updates, and responding to theirs. He's come to an important decision.
Ao3 Link! Part of Monstrous Intent!
I've been wanting to do something with Heavy and his family for a little bit, and just kind of his side of everything that's been happening. Because he's generally such a quiet guy sometimes he tends to react to things rather than drive them, and most of the time when I have him drive action it's sex, lol. Wanted to showcase some more of his internality and the poetic way he wields his native language. Giving his family life updates while artfully dancing around the fact that like 60% of his free time is sucking and fucking, lmao. Also: spot the Simpsons joke!
Dear Mama,
I hope you've been well. I'm sorry I haven't gotten a letter to you in a while; it's hard to get mail down off of the frozen mountain where I'd been stationed since the start of the year. You know how it is. Thankfully, we've been reassigned back to the desert, so I'll have easier access to the postal system. So my letters should once again be more frequent.
I've been well, all things considered. The team didn't take as well to ice-rimed mountains as I did, so while it'll take some time for me to adjust to the temperature change, the team's been overjoyed. Especially Scout. He's a very thin man, so his tolerance for cold only goes so far. He's from cooler climates, but even so, the mountains had him nearly rattling apart from shivering! Ludwig, however, was unflappably enthusiastic, as always.
Speaking of Ludwig; his magical training has been progressing swimmingly, and he's developed into quite the nascent mage. It's truly impressive what he can do when he sets his focus on it. His determination is beyond dogged, and his passion boundless. I can't argue with his results!
Which brings me to interesting news: Ludwig has mastered an old spell from seiĂ°r traditions that allows him to harness the jotun blood that runs through my veins, and give me the form of a full jotun, like Papa. When the excitement of discovery and novelty calmed down, however, I found myself struck by how strong my resemblance to Papa was. And though I haven't voiced it to him, it's made me realize how far divorced I am from that side of my ancestry, save for how it's shaped my appearance. I know Papa had a bit of ice and storm magic at his disposal, but also that he didn't use it much. He was far more invested in the movements of the world and the politics of men, I know. So that's something I might try to do some reading on in the near future. If you have any knowledge, Mama, I would love you to share it. I know Papa tried to keep us sheltered from the world of monsters, but like it or not, that world has come to me, and I feel it irresponsible not to explore that side of my own nature.
On a similar, but less somber note, Ludwig gave me a ring last week.
Don't get too excited, Mama. It ended up not being what I'm sure you hoped. I admit, I hoped the same, but I think my dear doctor isn't the type to think of such gestures of his own accord. He's a man of passion, not tradition. It'd be almost frustrating if his obliviousness weren't deeply endearing.
The ring is a magic item, a way to activate that seiĂ°r spell on command should I choose, and he enchanted it himself. It's the culmination of quite a bit of work, and honestly I feel like that in itself is as much a statement of intent as a ring of more traditional meaning. It in itself is a promise.
It's no secret that our lifespans will differ, now. Ludwig, as a garuda, can live forever if he's careful. Scout, as a faun, can do the same. Their lifespans are functionally infinite. Ageless, timeless, and beautiful for eternity. Meanwhile, though I know my life will be longer than a human's, it does have a limit. I think that knowledge has been weighing on Ludwig a bit, and making him dig into my supernatural side as a result. Whether that will yield fruit, who knows? But it warms my heart to know that he desires to be by my side for all of eternity. Whether he realizes it or not (and knowing him so well, I deeply suspect not), that ring was a proposal, phrased in different terms.
I'm sorry, Mama. I'm sure I'm boring you with such fanciful thoughts when I should be keeping you updated on my life. But I suppose my life might have taken a turn for the fanciful.
Ludwig sends his love, and his thanks for a lovely Smissmas together. Scout hopes to meet you all someday sooner than later, but isn't sure when he'll be able to join me for a trip. He has a large, very tightly-knit family, so holiday travel is unlikely to deviate away from his mother's house. I hope to meet her someday. He speaks highly of her, and she sounds like a lovely woman. Certainly, she raised a wonderful son. Something the two of you have in common!
Give my best to Zhanna, Yana, and Bronislava, and let them know I can easily receive mail again. It's been a strange kind of lonely so far this year, unable to write with you all, and I'm eager to read what my dear baby sisters have to say.
All of my love, Misha
Dear Mama,
Thank you for your last letter. I hadn't realized just how much variation there was in jotunkind. I'd thought all of us merely hrĂ­mĂŸurs, the frost giants, so it is honestly eye-opening to learn of the others descended from the jötunn. I'll have to do more reading on the subject, sometime. I'm sure Ludwig would appreciate learning more as well. Perhaps that wizard he bought his first magic book from might have something.
That said, I hope this letter finds you well. Work's been stable, with a few minor transfers across the region but staying largely in the desert. We've mostly been stationed at one base and then taken transports to satellite bases as the need arises. It's been less hectic than packing up and moving bases entirely constantly, but I won't deny that the times we don't use teleporters between our home base and the satellite bases make for terribly boring mornings. The team's taken to singing on those trains and busses, seeing how long it takes the driver to yell at us.
The train conductor is surprisingly resilient.
We've been helping Scout learn to control his small bit of magic lately, which has been an interesting effort. It's definitely been building teamwork between us, however, and been very good for our cohesion overall. And Scout's been quite happy for the extra attention.
Ludwig's been working on healing magics, and trying to replicate the effects of his specialized medical equipment using magic. To what end I'm not entirely sure, but it stands to reason it'll be helpful should an emergency arise when he doesn't have his equipment ready to hand. He's very clever about never letting himself be completely caught without a way to improvise a Plan B for situations.
That's all I'll say about Ludwig this time. I promise. After Zhanna's scathing letter and Yana and Bronislava mocking me endlessly, I'll spare you all the gooey romantic musings of a smitten old man.
Aside from work, life's been quiet for me. I read that romance novel that Yana sent with her letter, and enjoyed it far more than I expected! I'll be sending it back along with a novel that had a similar description on the back cover, which I found in town recently. I haven't had the time to read it, though, so please, Yana, don't hate me if it isn't very good.
Lastly, I hope you enjoy the small box of shortbread cookies I'm also sending with this! They were baked by our team's Demoman, who sends his best. He takes care of his elderly mother, and when he heard I was sitting down to write my mama a letter, offered to make sure it came with a gift. He wouldn't take no for an answer.
All of my love,
Dear Mama,
I'm glad you enjoyed the cookies! I'll be sure to let Demoman know, and give him your thanks. As always, Ludwig and Scout send their love.
Things have been busy of late. We finally had a nice, week-long furlough, our first of the year and entirely too overdue. I took the opportunity to simply spend time with Ludwig, though I'll admit I've slacked on the research I said I intended to do. Following Yana's next book recommendation, I ended up visiting a local bookstore and walking out with far more novels than I'd intended. I won't lie; I used to look down on books like these, but as the years go by I realize more and more that not every word committed to page needs to be come world-changing insight. Sometimes a story can simply be fun, and that's enough.
Also, I don't need a French-to-Russian dictionary in hand for these books, which is a blessing in itself. I don't miss those long, sleepless nights working on my doctorate! And I like to think this has been helping my reading skills in English, which is its own reward. Scout isn't a particularly strong reader, so I hope to help him practice. As such, I need to improve as well. It's good motivation so that I don't get lazy about language acquisition.
After our furlough, there was a company event. A gala of sorts with all of BLU's various teams, at a rather nice venue with a frankly obscenely expansive bar. They even had cocktails I enjoyed, and you know how rare that is. The news was sprung on us quite abruptly, but thankfully our Spy was able to outfit us with custom suits, thanks to being a shapeshifter who knows an excellent tailor. Ludwig gets clothes made by the same person; they do wonderful work. I've never seen my dove so elegant. The whole team looked very handsome, dressed in such fine clothes. We almost looked like a bunch of gentlemen! Very unlike us, I know. We even managed to not make too much trouble at the event itself, which was a small mercy. (I was on my best behaviour; don't worry, Mama.)
We took a few photos before leaving for the event, so I asked our handler for some copies. I'm including a group shot of all of us, and one with Ludwig, Scout and I.
And before she writes back anything about that photo to me, please tell Bronislava, again, that our Sniper is not single, and to please stop asking me about it. He's dating our Demoman. Don't ask me about that, either. I'm not about to divulge the details of my friends' love lives.
All of my love,
Dear Mama,
Please tell Yana that our Spy is also taken, and to please stop asking me questions about him and his love life.
Also please tell Zhanna that I'm not hogging every handsome man on earth for myself. She's being ridiculous.
That said, I hope this letter finds you well. Thank you for your sweet words about my photos. I've passed on the compliments to Ludwig, Scout, and the rest of the team, who were all very flattered and grateful.
We recently had another week-long furlough, which we ended up spending on-base, mostly for lack of plans. It was nice to be able to relax, though. I read the next book Yana sent, and have sent a few more with this package, as well as a letter for her to discuss the books in-depth. I'll spare you and the whole family our ramblings. I'm glad the trading post there has been sourcing more books for her voracious literary appetite, though. It's been nice to read fiction in Russian again. It's more relaxing than practicing my English, to be sure. I'll be sure to return her books with the next package. I fear this one is already too large.
Scout was away for the week, off with our Sniper and Spy on an outside job in Japan. It sounded very eventful, though in the interim our Demoman, who I think I mentioned is dating our Sniper, was inconsolable most of the time. It was pathetic, yes, but also very sweet. I would like to think I would be in better spirits should Ludwig have to spend a week away, but to say I'm sure would be hubris. After all, we go together, as I like to say.
It turns out that the Japan job was to help Spy's sister with a mess that had ended up on her doorstep thanks to his own past. News of this, among a few other things, has had me thinking. Getting in and out of Russia has always been difficult, which is why I attempt the crossing so rarely. It's only by the grace of the power of Builder's League United that I'm afforded such frequent correspondence with you all. And I can't help but worry that my own larger profile on the scene of mercenary operations might find you all, remote as your hiding place may be. I still worry that your location is less secure than I think. And I worry that if something should happen to me, or to my employment here, what sort of lurch that would leave you four in.
Also, Zhanna has been most vocal on the matter of men. Where are the men? When do I get to meet any men? Why am I not meeting any men now? And so on.
As such, I've decided to begin the process of working toward bringing you all to America in the next few years, where you will be truly safe from the KGB, and able to flourish as you deserve. It's not enough anymore just to try and keep you safe at home. Not when you deserve so much more.
It's with no small amount of guilt that I make this decision. While I have been working hard, and sending you the majority of my money, I feel as though my idleness such as my last furlough is cruel when you all yet live in fear and isolation. I'm here working for you, but in doing so, I have a surprising amount of leisure, like a great predator lounging between hunts, and it worries me that I'm being unduly selfish. After all, I have two beautiful lovers, a team of close friends, food and comfort when I want it, and peace when there isn't bloodshed. We fight a war with no personal stakes by day and play by night, eating and drinking our fill and passing our free time with games and romance, far away from the civilized world, in a place so private that Ludwig can walk about on talons with his wings proudly on display, and Scout can prance on hooves and try his best not to clatter his antlers into the lower doorways. It's our own private, violent Eden in its way, and it feels cruel to enjoy this life when you still hunt bear meat for your meals.
Ludwig's tried to assuage my feelings, to explain that being with him and Scout merely expands my family, and that I shouldn't make myself miserable as some penance, but I find it hard not to hold that guilt within me regardless. Especially when I use his ring to transform and see a bald reflection of Papa staring back at me in the mirror.
You four are the most important thing in the world. Not just my world. The world. And I want to give you that world. I've already requested information from my handler regarding the steps I would need to take in this, as she would likely be the conduit through which all of this happens. The process will be slow, and delicate, but I'm hoping that within two years, you will never have to eat bear again.
Zhanna, no dirty jokes.
I know this is exciting news, and I'm sorry it's on such a long timeline, but I wanted to make you all this promise now, so that you know there is an end in sight—a light at the end of this frozen, lonely tunnel. In the meanwhile, if there's anything you'd like me to send in these packages, please don't hesitate to ask. As it is, I've included some cakes Scout brought back for me from Japan. He says they're called 'manju', and are quite tasty.
All of my love,
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wanderlustknightofmagic · 5 months ago
Are you never in the mood Rain?
Rain pulls out a spray bottle and was able to spritz the grey before pausing and then sighing. "I have been, I can be, and I know I'm capable of such, I just tend to be more reserved about it. I also don't ever plan on showing such while I'm in public." There was a pause. "Though some... 'unnamed parties' have so very 'kindly convinced' me about... There is nothing wrong with it, neither feeling it in public, or acting on it. It's perfectly natural and shouldn't be shamed." Another pause. "HOWEVER. There is a time and place for it. If it's allowed in a public setting and space, or encouraged by those who rule the land, then don't let me be the person to stop you from engaging in such. If it's not? Don't be 'that person'."
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honourablejester · 1 year ago
Numenera Character Concept
Okay. So the Dungeon Dudes recently did a video on 5 non-D&D ttrpgs they played in 2023, and one of the ones they mentioned was Numenera, from the Cypher System. And I’ve been curious about that for a while because the Fast Character online character builder (throws up quick pre-gens for D&D 5e) also supports the Cypher System, and the whole concept of the character descriptors intrigued me. I can choose to be a ‘craven’ character, and that has mechanical impact. That’s fascinating. So I decided to browse this system/setting a bit. I got the Numenera Players Guide pdf (the Cypher System Core book and the two Numenera Core setting books will have to wait until I have more free cash). Just, you know. To see.
And, first thing. I do like this setting. It’s a science fantasy setting where the whole is a billion years old and all the ‘magic’ comes from ancient lost nanotechnology from previous civilisations that no one understands or often even knows exists anymore. The whole concept of the setting is that your characters are exploring a strange, deadly world littered with the ruins and ancient unknown magic/technology of previous lost civilisations. Artefacts of that technology are a main gameplay element, as ‘cyphers’, one shot artefacts that produce effects, are things your character constantly discovers and equips, along with ‘artifacts’ (multi-use objects) and ‘oddities’ (weird little bits and bobs, like ancient photo displays and doorbells and other weird bits of junk).
Also, the emphasis is, at least from the descriptions, on exploration and discovery, not combat. You don’t get XP from combat or killing things, you get XP from dealing with complications and problems your DM throws your character mid-flow, and from your party’s overall actions and what they’ve discovered. That’s cool to me. I’ve mentioned before that I really want a game experience that’s about exploration, so this system/setting already sounds awesome. So.
The book I got is mostly a 64-page player facing character creation guide, with a little bit of preface on the system and the setting. Judging from the options as compared to Fast Character, this are very much the core, basic, PHB sort of character options. Just your essentials. But. Something did immediately catch my eye. And not the descriptors. A character focus instead, actually.
Characters in Cypher follow the pattern of an [adjective] [noun] who [verbs]. The noun is your character type, essentially your class, there’s 3 options in this book, the adjective is your character descriptor, or personality, and the verb is your character focus, the thing they do in the world, which can be wild. You’ve got options like ‘Works the Back Alleys’ and ‘Carries a Quiver’, and then ones like ‘Murders’, and then ones like ‘Howls at the Moon’ and ‘Exists Partially Out of Phase’. So the structure is who you are, what you are, and what you do. And. The thing that caught my eye was ‘Wears a Sheen of Ice’. Which is basically an ice mage. Cold damage my under-appreciated beloved. So. Here we go.
Of the three character type options, I am tempted by Jack, the rogue/skilled option, but ice mages are mages, so we’ll go with Nano. And the thing I actually had the hardest time with was the descriptor, despite those being the thing that drew me towards Numenera in the first place, but it came down to two: Tough, and Strong-Willed. Strong-Willed has a flaw/inability that’s tricky for me, on a character that wants to explore, in that it’s harder for a strong-willed character to solve puzzles and use/remember lore, which feels weird for a high-intellect explorer character, but 
 I’ll do Tough on a different character. For my ice mage, I feel like being stubborn.
So. Juvenna Rorkh, a Strong-Willed Nano who Wears A Sheen of Ice.
As a Tier 1, starting Nano, with everything added up, I’ll have a Might Pool of 10, a Speed Pool of 10, and an Intellect Pool of 18. I’ll have an Effort of 1, an Intellect Edge of 1, and Might and Speed Edges of 0. I can bear 3 cyphers at a time, I’m practiced with light weapons, and I’m trained in understanding, or at least attempting to understand, the numenera (the cyphers/artefacts/etc).
For my Nano background, the source of my abilities 
 Forbidden Knowledge is tempting, given exploration, but we’re not Learned or Intelligent, we’re Strong-Willed. We don’t like things to be fussy or complicated. No piecing together information and puzzles. No, I think we’re going to be Psionic. We interface with the mystical nano-machines of this world by raw force of will. And I think we gained our psionic abilities from the suggested ‘natural result of extreme exposure to technology’. We got flooded by a nanite cloud, maybe not an Iron Wind, but definitely some concentration of nano-machines, and our raw stubborn kicked on and helped us survive and take some of them with us.
For my background connection, I decided to roll on the table, and the result was that I trained for a while with a group of Aeon Priests, presumably to develop my psionics, and they still regard me pretty fondly.
For my two starting esoteries (magic powers from technology), I could go Ward, for a +1 to Armour, since I don’t have any yet, but I’ll get Ice Armour from Wears a Sheen of Ice, which is also a +1 for 10mins. I could still take Ward, because they stack. But. I want Onslaught (basically an energy attack), for an offensive option, plus something for my Ice Esoteries to change to cold damage. And I want Scan, because I do still want some exploration-focused options. So. Maybe we’ll get a chance to pick up Ward later.  
I also get 3 GM-chosen starting cyphers, and a starting oddity.
From Strong-Willed, I got a +4 to my Intellect Pool that brought me up to 18. I’m trained in resisting mental effects, and in tasks that require focus or concentration, but the difficulty of any task that involves figuring out puzzles or problems, memorizing things, or using lore is increased by one step.
And from my Sheen of Ice, I get a nice stronglass weapon that looks like ice. I get Ice Esoteries, which influences any other esoteries I might have to be ice-themed if possible. My minor/major effects when I roll a 19/20 will have ice themes as well, the suggestion is for minor to produce slippery ice around the target to make footing dangerous, and the major to coat them in ice for a minute, making everything they try 1 step more difficult. And I get Ice Armour, which will coat my body in a sheen of ice when I wish it, giving me a +1 to Armour for the duration, I feel no discomfort from normal cold enviroments, and I get an extra +2 to Armour against cold damage specifically (I’m not sure if that’s total +2 against cold, or +2 extra after the base +1).
You also get a connection to the other players from your focus, and I love the one from Wears a Sheen of Ice. I get to pick one member of my party and, due to a weird quirk on the part of the numenera/nanites that give me my powers, if they’re standing next to me when I ice-armour up, they also get the benefits of my Ice Armour. So, like. One of your buddies, your nanites just like them. I love that.
So. Juvenne Rorkh. A highly intelligence, pig-stubborn, single-minded psionic ice mage, who doesn’t like things to be fussy or complicated, and whose nanites are weirdly fond of one person in particular. My first attempt at a Numenera character.
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cinning-at-midnight · 2 years ago
Read the whole e-book series (and support the Author Suji Kim) by reading the Manwa Webtoon series or purchasing the written books for download here:
So, this most recently published web novel is the START of season 2, and emotions have been high.
Maxi takes an agreement from a high mage at the Mage Tower, which will allow her to essentially graduate a year early. She has high prowess in Earth and Water elements and receives an Earth rune for her assistance on an expedition.
Nobody at the Mage Tower knew of her title as Lady Calypse, that was, until the group of travelers made a pit stop in Anatol. With them, were the Temple Knights, assigned by the church to protect the mages, as they are treated like a marginalized group, as their abilities are much needed in all the kingdoms.
With her return to Anatol (albeit a brief one), she learns that Riftan has been called to another battlefield and is not home. Discouraged, Maxi finds that Riftan was keeping her letters to him over the last three years (and some prior) safely locked in a chest by the bed. She finds comfort and hope in this discovery, despite their long separation caused by the feud with her father.
What we know of their relationship thus far, has been conflict after conflict with emotional vulnerability being their weakest point, mutually. Riftan wants to protect and serve her, with her never lifting a finger or being at risk. Maxi wants to find herself outside of the prison walls that were her fathers' castle, and discover what her place truly is in life.
By matter of, again conflict, Maxi was forced into joining the Mage Tower and studying there for three years (potentially four), in order to protect Riftan from his own self-destruction.
Back to book 7, our couple finally reunites because Riftan gets word of Maxi's brief return, and learns that she's part of an expedition traveling through monster-ridden paths. Their first encounter leaves Maxi feeling iced out by Riftan's cold stare. She pines for him and serves him meals but he spends weeks giving her short gruff responses and ushering her to safety away from him.
When the book is reaching it's conclusion, the couple has not reconciled yet.
Do not despair!
Listen, I know Maxi needs growth because she's spent her whole life being shrunken inside of herself afraid to even speak. However, while she spent three years doing everything she could in order to allow herself growth and to protect the man she loves, Riftan spent three years locking his heart in a chest (the letters) and building up Anatol to be a large city popular for merchants. Great progress but it's not emotional or spiritual growth.
Now, at the end of our story, Maxi has given up chasing after the bull-headed Riftan. Stubborn as he was, she felt he did not earn her efforts and that if he was truly disinterested in her, she would stop embarrassing herself in front of the other mages (some of whom are her friends).
Riftan starts to notice the changes within her and begins looking after her more closely. Appearing from behind without so much as a word, draping a fur coat on her shoulders. Giving her his attention in ways that are protective and endearing... But are they necessarily the actions of a lover?
Great conflict is needed for great change to occur and I believe book 8 will be a page-turning story of battles and emotional growth and reconciliation. Better yet, compromise, from our most stubborn knight!
I know I am eagerly waiting to see what Suji Kim has up her sleeve for the continuation of the second season!
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gryptids · 2 years ago
do all your ocs know each other or do they have subgroups?
EEE thank u for asking!! The OCs I tag for on Tumblr generally fall into three universes/stories. (Also I had to rewrite this like 3 times bcuz Tumblr's ctrl+z function is broken and I kept doing it reflexively, so apologies if this makes no sense lol)
As The World Caves In (#culecore): A 70s-inspired eldritch horror romcom about a woman on the verge of a nervous breakthrough. When a one-night stand leads to world-shattering revelations about her connection to a distant eldritch god, Cara (far left) must confront love, loss, forgiveness, and her community in order to halt an impending apocalypse. Dealing with centuries of relationship drama from her demigod paramours is just the icing on the cake. Messy, queer, and unapologetically indulgent, this is essentially a creative sandbox that I play in almost 24/7!! I love smashing together these terrible little bitches like dolls :]
From left to right we have Carolyn Klein (main character, cuntress supreme, can easily whip a dish that will bring you to tears), Saoirse Ross (not-really-tortured artist, grappling with the world's most protracted identity crisis, eldritch splinter of Chaos), Jude Collins (walking Leyendecker illustration, Captain Autismo, eldritch splinter of Light), and Victor Ward (depressed line cook energy, massive flirt, eldritch splinter of Void).
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Threads of Gossamer and Glass (#tgg): A high fantasy political thriller about what comes after survival, reinventing your mind upon meeting someone new, and trying to not break the world in half a second time. This is a novel-length work I'm currently working on, which means I have a novel-style blurb for it LOL:
"Maria has worked her entire life to secure a seat in the Artea Crea, an artist's guild that serves as the highest governing body in her home nation of Trevigi. But when her sister's illegal magical abilities are discovered, she's given an impossible choice; play diplomat in a suicide mission to a land of savage mages, or see her sister hanged. However, Maria quickly discovers that there's more to Peykangraz that meets the eye; deadly games of magic and politics, a mountain range that appears to be shifting, and a powerful mage who is as confounding as he is alluring. With every new ally, deal, and discovery, she begins to glimpse the buried truth that lies between the land and her mission. But what is she willing to risk -- and to lose -- in pursuing what she believes in?"
(art by the lovely @dying_anniris on Twitter!!)
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&Lavender (#&lav): In a story that extrapolates the machinations of the fae courts onto high-class mob politics, Lav finds themself walking the razor edge between worlds when their quiet life collides with the unknown. As a jeweler specializing in intricate gem faceting, Lav creates flashy pieces for humans and fae alike, performing humanity for their clients through a combination of glamour magic and ascerbic wit. The Courts ignore them, and they ignore them right back. As a wyldfae -- too unimportant to be considered Seelie or Unseelie -- they're used to the lack of interest. But when a dangerous artifact comes into their possession, they must risk everything and forge an alliance with a member of the Unseelie Court to protect it. What follows is a saga of lust, destruction, and all the terrible things that happen when you understand how much you're truly worth.
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Plus, I've got a few miscellaneous OCs (including Beverly, a waifish Texas cannibal, and Ariadne, a vampiric Oath of Conquest paladin) who fall into their own individual universes! Together they form the Insane Blood-Splattered Women Brigade <3
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TYSM for asking!!! I love the chance to talk abt my guys... feel free 2 ask more questions abt them if you're curious!!!!
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wanderlustknightofmagic · 18 days ago
Rainald gave a breathy moan as he watched her start bouncing along his manhood. He kept his hands put to ensure she could ride as fast and as hard as she pleased all without needing to worry about shifting unless she desired so.
In this position, his eyes only had so many locations to stare, and he found that he continued to switch between her face and her chest. Both caused the same effect, a red line across his face that would continue to grow by the second. He honestly could pick where he wanted his lips more at this point, though considering the effects her moans were having on him, he might've gone for her chest just so he could hear more.
”Like what you see?”
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wanderlustknightofmagic · 4 months ago
Rain's face was still red even after he finished filling this out, handing the forum to Valeria. "Here... I'm assuming this was needed for the trip... right?"
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//Tagged by: @arcane-torrent Tagging: Anyone who needs an excuse
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ao3feed-clexafic · 20 hours ago
When Fire Meets Fate
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/63296221 by SandyRook77 Banished after the tragic deaths of those under her command, Nyx believed she’d never step foot on pack lands again. An unexpected visitor changes that. Traveling to the closest city after a red gas starts killing her people, Clarke is looking for answers. She discovers more than she thought possible. A banished wolf and a mysterious blonde lightning mage meet in a bar. A chance encounter and an incredible night leads to a journey of discovery. And when the past re-emerges, Nyx and Clarke realize more is at stake than they believed. Secrets are revealed as the truth comes out. Can de Pakstoka, Lexa, forgive herself before she loses her chance at love again? Can she keep her pack safe from those who would destroy it? What happens when Fate has a hand in it all? Words: 2442, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: The 100 (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Clarke Griffin, Lexa (The 100), Nyx Allistar (Original Character), Scarlett LaSalle (Original Character), Ben (Original Character), Titus (The 100), Dani Rendon (Original Character), Indra (The 100), Gaia (The 100), Octavia Blake, Bellamy Blake, Raven Reyes (The 100), Monty Green, Harper McIntyre, Zoe Monroe, Jasper Jordan, Eric Jackson (The 100), Emori (The 100), John Murphy (The 100), Nathan Miller, Echo (The 100), Charlotte (The 100), Abby Griffin, Marcus Kane (The 100), Thelonious Jaha, Nia | Ice Queen, Persephone Allistar (Original Character), Lincoln (The 100), Niylah (The 100), The 100 (TV) Character(s), Mother Earth (Original Character), Original Characters Relationships: Clarke Griffin/Original Character(s), Clarke Griffin/Lexa/Original Character(s), Nyx Allistar (OC)/Clarke Griffin, Nyx Allistar (OC)/Scarlett LaSalle (OC), past Nyx (OC)/Lexa, Nyx Allistar (OC)/Dani Rendon (OC), Clarke Griffin/Dani Rendon (OC), Clarke Griffin/Lexa, Clarke Griffin/Scarlett LaSalle (OC), past Lexa/Dani Rendon (OC), Lexa/Nyx (OC), Lexa/Dani (OC), Lexa/Scarlett (OC), Dani Rendon (OC)/Scarlett LaSalle (OC), Clarke Griffin/Lexa/Nyx (OC)/Dani (OC)/Scarlett (OC), Octavia Blake/Lincoln, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Magic, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Alternate Universe - Wereanimals, Werewolves, Mages, Polyamory, Open Relationships, Clans are packs of different Weres, The Coalition is the governing faction, Mages & Wereanimals are Apex, humans are slaves, The gods are involved in the Apex's lives, Mother Earth is meddlesome and cryptic, Lexa's last name is Woods, bondmates, Lifemates - Freeform, Clexa are lifemates, The Forest Pack are hypersexual and need sex to stay sane, There are survivors across the world, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, This does not follow ABO, The Weres turn into their animals but bigger Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/63296221
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wanderlustknightofmagic · 19 days ago
Sivir casually rests a hand on his butt while he pays for the groceries at the market. It's a message to everyone that he is hers.
Even though they've done so much, she could still get a blush out of him by doing such. "Trying to show everyone I'm yours, dear?" He'd chuckle while turning back to her for a second as he grabbed one of the bags. "Feeling a touch possessive or are you just trying to see if you can still get me to blush?" He'd ask while smiling before getting his change, but not moving away from her hand.
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